About Hair Porosity

About Hair Porosity

Working day and night on your hair growth still not a good outcome? Your hairs taking way too much time to rinse after wash? All the costly hair products and still no sign for good outcome? The problem is definitely not with your products or your efforts but you might not be able to know that how your hair porosity is responding to certain products back at times. Figuring out your hair porosity volumes can help you cover your tension with fizziness, dry and tangy hairs by making it smooth and healthy.

Here we are with Hair Porosity noting down that it’s one of the major hair issues that is not known by much people while they are dealing with it. Hold tight and Scroll down!

You may hear hair porosity and wondering what it means, hair porosity covers the hair’s strength of absorbing and holding on the moisture. Porosity get affected with the ways of your hair gets moisturized with perfect oil reach to the bottom and outermost layers of the hair cuticle. Knowing your hair porosity, you need to know what kind of porosity your hair might have.

Less Porosity! Here the cuticles are closed in a pattern and together.

Average Porosity! The Cuticles are less firmly bounced.

Major Porosity!

Cuticles got more wide space.

We would like to tell our readers a little about how the structure of your hairs comes within, that comprise in three layers.

  • Cuticle: It is hard outside layer that holds protective layer to small cuticles that meet each other.
  • Cortex: It have thick layers containing fibre proteins and pigments that give colour to the hair.
  • Medulla: It is soft central part of hair shaft.

Your hair deserve care like other body parts to be healthy. It needs to take fresh air, stay hydrated, get enough moisture, oil and important products that can pass through the cuticle to get straight to the cortex. If cuticles get too close it gets harder for the water or oil to get to cortex and penetrate the hair. This makes it hard for your hair to get enough moisture that it needs for survival. And if the cuticles are too widely spaced, your hair will have a harder time retaining moisture and staying hydrated.

What can cause hair porosity!

Your hair absorbing and retaining moisture is mainly due to genetics. Low Porosity can transfer to you from your family genetics, as that’s a bigger chance of having hair porosity, but besides that hair porosity can take place due to excessive blow-drying, Bleach, Straightening, over washing and using harsh chemicals that can open and raise the cuticles and makes it harder for hairs to retain moisture.

Approaches to deal with hair porosity!

The more you know your problem the more you get to reach to the solution, we have collected few solutions that might work well for your hair porosity.

Low Porosity normal!

Low hair porosity is moisture resistant which needs products and ingredients to get back to normal.

  • Use of Argan, coconut and jojoba oil massage. Use hot oil that is heated up for few seconds before massaging it onto hair and scalp.
  • Hair mask containing Avocado, Banana, and olive oil should be used in every two weeks.
  • Use a clarifying shampoo and use it once a week to remove all the product build-up on your hair and scalp.
  • Excessive amount of products on your hair should be refrained, and distribute the usual products evenly throughout the hair.

Medium Porosity Hair!

Average hair porosity gets the right amount of moisture, which can be made better with nourishing and conditioner shampoo with effective hair masks. This hair type responds to all colouring, and other chemical treatments. One can refrain from chemicals and bleaching treatment for a healthy recovery of hair growth.

High Porosity Hair!

High Porosity requires more attention and care because it is susceptible to vast damage like fizziness, tangling, breakage, few ways to protect the hair while having high porosity,

  • A leave in conditioner for every alternate day so dryness can get overcome and hair can be moisturized.
  • Massage hair and scalp with oil regularly to nourish and smoothen them.
  • Avoid straightening, heating tools, and harsh chemicals sprays.
  • Rinse hair with cold water and not hot to prevent fizziness.